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Special pans for special cakes...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Awareness Ribbons

Years ago, when I first noticed the ribbon decals we see on the backs of cars or the ribbons we see on clothing lapels, I was willing to attribute the phenomenon to the '70s era song Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree. I though a popular song making its subject a part of American culture was a monumental achievement but that's giving the song too much credit. Ribbons used to make us aware of something didn't begin in the '70s but may have been a part of American culture going back as far as Civil War days and appear in other cultures, too.

Apparently ribbons as visual keys to focus our attention are so effective, the come in more colors than yellow. The list of colors spans the spectrum from white to black and includes such exotic colors as periwinkle.

With Pan-A-Rama's Celebration and Support Ribbon Pan, you can take this wonderful modern tradition to your table. Choose a color or a combination of colors to represent a cause you want to support and bake a cake to share with family, friends or anyone who might be interested in helping.